We worship on Sundays at 10:00am both in person and online.

Immediately following the service, we gather each week for coffee, food, and fellowship at 11:00am in our Parish Hall.

See our weekly email for online worship links or view the livestream on Facebook Live.

All are welcome to fully participate in our worship services as we praise God and give thanks for the love that God bestows on all people.

Our central worship service is called the Holy Eucharist. Eucharist is the Greek word for ‘thanksgiving.’ We gather together to give thanks to God. We do this in prayer, song, silence, and in sharing in bread and wine together as we live out the words of Jesus Christ – “do this in remembrance of me.” We are all invited to participate in worship offering our own prayers, voice, and our presence to give glory to God. Worship in the Episcopal Church is a bit like a dance – it involves sitting, standing, and movement. Our bulletin is a guide or roadmap to the service offering instructions and explanations about what is happening in the worship service.